说实话,以前我从来就不信有人真的可以预测你的过去和未来,直到今年也就是2003年,一次很偶然的机会,通过朋友介绍和他在苏州面对面的了解分析后,真的,我简直都惊呆了!和他说的一样,我和我的男朋友感情上出现了危机,直到后来分手;反而工作上却上了轨道,今年真的有东西开始有东西结束! 本来我不了解什么是数像学,我以为和古代那些掏掏江湖骗人的算命没什么两样,可是我现在终于弄懂了,这不是什么迷信,是一种科学! 朋友们,如果你们也不信的话,不要紧,你们可以和我一样,试一下,保证你们也会惊呆的! 馨芸,25, 苏州
Very good analysis! To me it was 99% correct! Kris, 60, USA 你肯定有过这样的想法:如果我能预知未来,知道明天会遇到什么样的人,发生什么样的事,有什么样的心情就好了!……但这似乎只是一个美丽的念头罢了,不会成为现实的。 一开始接触数象分析的时候也是个很偶然的机会,觉得又是个“逗你玩”的东东,没什么特别的。(我可是个无神论者哦)但做完性格分析后吃了一惊,分析的结果和自己是如此的相似。(我认为我就是那样的,呵呵)于是有了欲望想通过它了解自己的将来,说真的看完那一大堆东东头晕晕的。算是有了一个大体的了解。 我觉得基于各种因素:个人的心态,性格,所处的环境等等,未来不会百分百和数象分析中所写的一一吻合,但就个人感受它对了解自身及对可能发生的事情做好提前准备以做出系统调整确有不同程度上的帮助。 希望NumerologyFan 能使更多的朋友了解自己,更好的把握人生的方向! Helen,
24,北京 I never really do believe in
fortune telling and numerology until I chanced upon this website. The analysis is not only extremely accurate
but also valuable advice for the path I have chosen. On a corporate level, Jason is
someone who's professional and reliable.
I appreciate the fact that whatever I have disclosed are kept
confidential and private. Bottom line is, I am now a firm
believer of numerology and a happy, satisfied customer of NumerologyFan . Denise, 28, Singapore 非常感谢您的指点!帮助我从人生最沮丧的时候,引导我光明的道路! 方女士,65,上海 Jason’s sharp view has help our
company to sideline potential candidates and saved considerable amount of
time during our recruitment exercise.
George, Shanghai A very patient and accurate
Numerologist of Singapore. Thank you NumerologyFan ! CY Tan, 47, Malaysia Master Jason, you are really
impressive at your age today, I can imagine how accurate you will be in the
years to come! Looking forward to
visit my family for our yearly review by you again. Bay, 38, Jakarta Many Tks! After bought stones, I secured a new
contract almost immediately! Its quite
amazing! Tks to u! Patrick, 57, Singapore NumerologyFan , you have earned yourself a lifetime FAN here! Albert, 30, Malaysia 你的课程让我了解了数像学的奥妙! 陈经理,深圳 Thank you Jason for your kind
assistance in doing up my readings. I
was amazed by my first visit with you in September when you gave me accurate
readings and also your advice on what I should be beware of that will take
place in my future years to come. I
thank God that I met you at the right time.
Hope to see you again next year.
Maya, 38, Singapore Your Numerology knowledge
in Singapore really impress me! So
accurate! Karen 25, Singapore Jason, you are so
precise that I just have to thank you for your many advises! Christine, 43, Singapore Your predictions was
correct on my birthday!
"Imaginative, generous, many friends, adaptable, creative,
etc"! Thanks! Yati, 38, Singapore Jason, you are not only an
excellent Numerologist, but a good,
patient and kind advisor. I have not
seen one in Singapore like you. Thank
you for spending so much time explaining everything! I will return when time for review is
due. Kim 29, Singapore |
02年面对面分析后,感觉很准,NumerologyFan 也提到了今年我要到处跑之事。 我从广州回到上海后,就来到了现在的新公司。 8月底到9月几乎都在外出差可是10月份开始就不用了。 虽然现在我几乎都没有出长差,但经常在周边城市走走。的确,今年是跑了好多路。。。 闹闹,30,上海 Had a session and NumerologyFan really opened up my
views in life. I would say that he is very accurate. Did not
believe initially but things mentioned happened a few months later which make
me believe. Joey, 37, Singapore 太准了! 高文,34,江苏 2002年的一天,我还在仙桃上班的时候,碰到了来公司指导工作的Jason,虽然是师生的关系,但我们相处甚是融洽,常在课余说笑玩耍,一次偶然的机会我们知道了他会预测未来,很好奇,便请他帮忙测算了一下。 虽然说当时是怀着好奇的心,并不是很在意,但随着时间的逝去,当一切发生,却又想当初为何不多算算?或许这中间能少些曲折少些矛盾,或许幸福的一天能早些来到。 有时候,太多的事当我们心有把握心有预测,我们就能进行防范。但他却能在某个关键的时候给我们警示与祝福。 悬崖菊,
31, 湖北孝感
带着半信半疑的态度来,之后觉得算得很详细,于是请了他做个仔细的分析。真是了不起! 丽花,29,上海 新加坡未来的黄大仙 陈,27, 香港 以前我也总喜欢用星座算算运程,但只把它当做娱乐而已,从来不信这些会是真的。一个很偶然的机会,结识了Jason和他的NumerologyFan 网站,开始只是初于好奇,让他帮我算了关于我的事业,爱情等方面的问题,结果却使我惊呆了,真是太准了,没想到这些都是真的,使我在工作和感情方面的困惑找到了正确的方向。不得不承认也不得不相信数像学的神奇!
北京 Your reading of my past was
shockingly accurate and your prediction of the recent "Instability
Period" is right on the dot where we witness the downfall of Lehman
Brothers. I am indeed impressed by your foresight and wisdom in Numerology. Patrick, 57, Singapore It’s too precise and
accurate!! His advices were real
sharp! Brenda, 43, Thailand 刘大师,按照您指出的解决方式,我真的渡过了那个难关,我真的很开心,我不知道如何感谢您,我想告诉您下一次来西安时,一定要告诉我,我一定好好接待您!再一次说声谢谢您! 小陈(Juliana),32,西安 I was kinda angry and
disappointed when you mentioned that my 2nd marriage would not last during my
1st visit to you. I was really in love
then and just did not want that marriage to fail. Today, I am glad that it did not last and I
am amazed that you could accurately foretold it! Will be following your advise to lay low
till the time comes for my 3rd marriage.
Your knowledge in Numerology is really Great! Sandra, 31, Singapore After our personal consultation
meeting, I bought the lucky natural stone that you mentioned. I secured a new contract almost
immediately. Its quite amazing! Thanks to NumerologyFan ! Patrick, 57, Singapore 刘师傅太准了!谢谢您! 吴芳,37,杭州 I refused to accept what Mr
Jason Lau of NumerologyFan said about me in
Singapore. Events that happened for
the past 1 year since our first meeting were exactly what he had said. Now, I am coming to him on a regular basis. Kelvin, 32, Singapore Jason’s accuracy has really
made me believe in numerology, I am now a firm believer of him. Calling him up for advises whenever I am in
doubts. I will continue to seek his
advises for many year to come!
Johnson, 52, Singapore 之前 算命了多次,没有人能够象刘师傅那么详细的透露。他的指导真的太巧妙。用了他的每日运层报告两年了,在我的日常生活里得到很好的启示。非常感谢! 陈,43,深圳 |
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